

来源:化工英语 浏览次数:8624次 更新日期:2007-07-26


A B类        category A B
安全阀       safety valve
安装         Installation
鞍式支座     saddle support
凹面         concave
半球形封头   Hemispherical heads
棒           bars
保温支撑     insulation support
爆炸性       explosive
泵           pump
变径段       reducers
标记         stamping
标志         marking
标志的移植   Transfering marking
波纹板       Corrugating Paper
补强管       reinforcing nozzle
补强圈       reinforcing ring
不锈钢       stainless steel
不圆度       out-of-roundness
材料         materials
材料证明书   Certification of material
超声检验     Ultrasonic Examination
衬里         Linings
成型         Forming
成型封头     Formed heads
尺寸         Dimensions
翅片管       finned tubes
冲击试验     impact test
储罐         storage tank
传热面积     heat transfer surface
磁粉检验     Magnetic Particle Examination
次要应力     secondary stress
粗糙度       roughness
淬火         Quenching
带折边的锥形 toriconical
弹簧         springs
弹簧垫圈     spring washer
弹性模量     modulus of Elasticity
挡板         baffle plate
低合金钢容器 low alloy steel vessels
低温容器     Low-temperature vessels
地震烈度     seismic intensity
垫板         Backing strip
垫片         gasket
垫圈         washer
碟形封头     Dished heads
顶丝         jbckscrew
定距管       spacer
定位销       pin dowel
定义         Definitions
毒性         toxicity
镀锌容器     Galvanized vessels
锻件         Forgings
对焊法兰     welding neck flange
耳座         lug
阀门         valves
法兰         flanges
法兰接触面   Flange contact facings
防冲板       impingement baffle
防腐蚀衬里   Corrosion resistant linings
防火         fire protection
防涡流挡板   vortex breaker
非受压件     nonpressure parts
非圆形容器   Noncircular vessels
峰值应力     peak stress
腐蚀裕量     corrosion allowance
附加载荷     supplementary loading
附件         attachments
复合板       Clad plate
覆层容器     clad vessels
盖板         Cover plates
杆           rods or bars
过渡段       transition in
过渡圆角     Knuckles
焊后热处理   after postweld heat treating
焊接工艺     welding procedure specification
焊接接头     welding joints
焊接系数     welding coefficient
厚度         thickness
滑动的       sliding
环向应力     hoop stress
回火         tempering
基本地震加速度 basic seismic acceleration
基本分压     basic wind pressure
计算厚度     calculated thickness
技术条件     form of Specification
加强圈       stiffening rings
夹套容器     Jacketed vessels
检查孔       Inspection openings
检验         inspection
角焊         Fillet welds
接地板       earth lug
截止         Stop valves
介质特性     fluid property
金属温度     Metal temperature
筋板         rib plate
径向应力     radial stress
静(压力)水头 static head
局部         areas
局部         local
局部焊后热处理 Local postweld heat treatment
矩形设计     rectangular design
卡箍         clamp
开孔补强     reinforcement for openings
快开盖       Quick-actuating closures
拉杆         tie rod
裂缝         Cracking
流体(介质) fluid
螺孔         holes for screw
螺母         nut
螺塞         plug
螺栓         bolt
螺纹         threaded
螺柱         studs
名义厚度     nominal thickness
铭牌         Nameplates
内部构件     Internal structures
内衬筒       internal shell
盘管         coil tube
配件         fittings
膨胀节       expansion joint
平封头       Flat heads
评定         Qualification
气孔         Porosity
气压试验     Pneumatic test
钎焊         brazing
强度         strength of
球形封头     spherically dished
曲率         curvature
屈服         yielding
全容积       total volume
缺陷         defects
群座         skirt support
热处理       thermal treatment
热处理       heat treatmen
热应力       thermal stress
人孔         manholes
韧性         ductility
容积         volume
容器         vessel
容器净重     empty weight
容器类别     vessel classification
塞焊         Plug welds
设计压力     design pressure
射线超声检验 Radiographic Examination
渗透检验     Penetrant Examination
石墨         graphite
试样         Test coupons
适用范围     Scope
手孔         (ha)ndholes
水压试验     hydrostatic test/hydraulic test/hydrotest
碳钢         carbon steel
搪玻璃容器   enameled vessels
梯子、平台   ladders, platforms
填充金属     filler metal
筒体         shell
凸面         convex
凸缘         socket
椭圆封头     Ellipsoidal heads
外压容器     vessels subjected to external pressure
未注尺寸公差 tolerance grade n0t noted
无支撑       unstayed
系数         fact0r
现场安装     Fie1d assemb1y
校核         checking 0f
泄放         (Disc)harge
泄压装置     Pressure relieving (dev)ices
性能         properties
许用工作压力 al1owable working pressure
许用应力     al1owable stress
易然的       flammable
应力腐蚀     stress corrosion
应力集中     stress concentration
预热         Preheating
圆度         roundness
圆角和倒角   corners+fillets
载荷         Loadings
e(xpa)nded c0nnections
折流板       baffle plate
蒸发器       (Evap)orators
直边长度     length 0f skirt
直径         Diameter
制造         fabrication
制造厂       fabricator
制造方法     methods 0f fabrication
制造工艺     fabrication technology
周长         Girth
主应力       primary stress
柱状壳体     Cylindrical shells
铸铁容器     cast iron vessels
转角半径     knuckle radius
装配         assembling
锥度         tapered
锥壳         conical shell
锥形封头     Conical heads
资格         qualification
纵向接头     Longitudinal joints
组对         fitting up

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